#Desmos graphing pictures with equations how to#
IMPORTANT: Read everything!!! Having the foundational knowledge of how to use the software will save time. Make sure to color your equation art design. Turn in the art with the equations using a paper clip. You will turn in a hard copy of the design. Create an Account on DESMOS so you can SAVE your work. Example equations with restrictions are provided below to help you get started as well as examples of past student work. A simple image should take about 25 equations. Your equation art should consist of at least 25 equations and at least 6 different types of equations. You can search on google for an image you want to draw or create your own. You are to create a drawing with equations and restrictions using the DESMOS software.
Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science Principles - Course at a Glance Unit 1 - Digital Information Unit 2 - The Internet Unit 3 - Intro to App Design Unit 4 - Variables, Conditionals, and Funcitons Unit 5 - Lists, Loops, and Traversals Unit 6 - Algorithms Unit 7 - Parameters, Return, and Libraries Unit 8 - Create PT Prep Unit 9 - Data Unit 10 - Cybersecurity and Global Impacts. Statistics AP Statistics - Course at a Glance Chapter 1: Data Analysis Chapter 2: Modeling Distributions of Data Chapter 3: Describing Relationships Chapter 4: Collecting Data Chapter 5: Probability Chapter 6: Random Variables Chapter 7: Sampling Distributions Midterm Exam Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals Chapter 9: Significance Tests Chapter 10: Inference for Two Populations Chapter 11: Chi-square Tests Chapter 12: Linear Regression Inference AP Exam Review. Algebra 2 Chapter 1 - Linear Equations Chapter 2 - Relations and Functions Chapter 3 - Quadratic Functions Chapter 4 - Polynomials and Polynomial Functions Chapter 5 - Inverses and Radical Functions Chapter 6 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 7 - Rational Functions Chapter 8 - Statistics and Probability Chapter 9 - Trigonometric Functions Chapter 10 - Trigonometric Identities and Equations. Algebra Chapter 1 - Algebra Fundamentals Chapter 2 - Solving Equations Chapter 3 - Graphing Linear Equations Chapter 4 - Inequalities Chapter 5 - Systems of Equations 1st Semester Final Chapter 6 - Exponents and Polynomials Chapter 7 - Factoring Chapter 8 - Rational Expressions Chapter 9 - Quadratics 2nd Semester Final.
Hoenigmann Exploring Mathematics with Mr.
Equation Art - Exploring Mathematics with Mr.